​Township of Deerfield, WI

November 12, 2024
Hancock, WI 54943
Meeting called to order at: 6:00 p.m.  Meyer, Stratton to accept the budget as presented.  All in favor, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 6:02 p.m.

November 12, 2024
Hancock, WI 54943

Meeting called to order at: 6:02 p.m.

Approval of the agenda for the November 12, 2024 Budget Meeting / Regular Meeting: Add Fire Dept (E), Meyer, Stratton

Approval of the minutes from the October Regular Meeting: Stratton, Meyer

Approval of the Treasurer’s Financial Report for the second half of October to date and pay all bills: Meyer, Stratton

Ranger Power:  Jeff Rauh project representative with Ranger Power (solar power) present to discuss future projects.  2 projects together total 180 megawatts. Touches 4 townships (Oasis, Hancock, Deerfield, Plainfield).  Gail Bacon, Larry Flyte land. 1 field/pivot of Gail Bacon’s land would be in Deerfield.  Money is available in escrow in case of project ending suddenly.  Roads are also taken care of if used by company (repair, restoration, etc.).  Possibility to generate ½ million / year in shared revenue split between county and 4 townships. The town could potentially gain $100,000.00/year. Construction beginning in late ’26 or ’27.

Election Report: Cheryl reported on the November 5th Presidential Election. 

State Town’s Meeting: 2% Dues were discussed.

Municipal Christmas Party:  Have Moose Inn cater. December 10th @ 6:00.

Fire Dept. Report:  Nothing new to report.

Chairman’s Report:  Town Hall listed as a shelter (Red Cross)

Road Report: Brushing road ride identifying brush.

Zoning:  Copies of many items.

Meeting adjourned at:  7:15 p.m.

 Cheryl Pionke, Clerk
Town of Deerfield

December 10, 2024
Hancock, WI 54943

 Meeting called to order at 5:00 p.m.

Approval of the agenda: Meyer, Stratton

Approval of the Budget Meeting and November Regular Meeting minutes:  Stratton, Meyer

Approval of the Treasurer’s Financial Report & Bills including 2 additional checks. Meyer, Stratton

Landlocked land Decision:  Chairman Whalley reviewed the information before and during the hearing regarding the land locked parcel owned by Gregg Ruffalo.  On August 2, 2024 Francis Podvin, lawyer for Gregg Ruffalo, petitioned the board to hold hearing per WI Stat. 82.27.  The hearing was regarding land locked parcel located in the N1/2 of NE 14 of Sec. 10 19N R9E, Town of Deerfield, Waushara County, WI.  The hearing was held Oct. 9, 2024.  Francis Podvin requested 60 days to resolve the problem.  He recently called and asked to be sent the minutes with the Town Board’s final decision.  Supervisor Stratton made a motion stating that after hearing all information pertinent to the request of creating a roadway to said land, moves to deny the request stating that it is not in the best interest of the township (WI Stat. 80.13).  A voice vote was taken (Yes-Deny the request.  No-permit the request). Chairman Whalley, yes; Supervisor Stratton, yes; Supervisor Meyer, yes.  All in favor for request for a road to land locked parcel denied.  Motion passed to deny the request for the Town of Deerfield to create a roadway to said parcel.

Fish Lake Meeting: Lake has a little bit of milfoil. Tracked the fish stocking back to 2010 about 3000 fish every year.

Pick Caucus Date:  January 11 @ 10:00 a.m.

Signed hwy. agreement for services provided by the county. Cheryl will mail to Hwy. Dept.

Chairman’s report:  County is brushing horseshoe (10th, Bighorn & 9th) & 9th Lane.

Clerk’s report:  Presidential election is officially done.  Machine audit went well.

Meeting adjourned at 5:19 p.m.

 Cheryl Pionke, Clerk
Town of Deerfield

April 16, 2024
Hancock, WI 54943

Annual Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m.  Talked about square footage.  Now require 1200 sq. ft.  The Board will allow a variance if asked by homeowner.

Meeting adjourned at 6:01 p.m.

April 16, 2024
Hancock, WI 54943

Called to order at: 6:01 p.m.

Approval of the agenda: Meyer, Stratton

Approval of the minutes from the March Regular Meeting: Stratton, Meyer

Approval of the Treasurer’s Financial Report and pay all bills: Meyer, Stratton

American transmission report:  Board members attended the April 11th meeting.  They spoke about adding 50 ft. of clearance on either side.  Also, using one pole instead of 2.

Correspondence:  email from D. Baldus regarding fireworks.  Will revisit at next meeting if ordinance needs to be looked at.

Fire Department:  Wautoma 2023 fire call/rescue call report. Heartland farms hosted a multi-station rescue event.

Election report:  Cheryl reported on the April 2, 2024 election.

Wautoma Library donation.  Waushara County historical society.  Will decide at next meeting. $500 each

Schedule Road Ride:  April 24, 2024 at 3:15 p.m.

Zoning copies.  Questioning the new sawmill on County C.  Zoning

Meeting adjourned at 6:29 p.m.

 Cheryl Pionke, Clerk
Town of Deerfield

These minutes are subject to amendment or change at subsequent meetings of the Town Board, and any such changes will be detailed in the minutes of the meeting at which the amendments are proposed.

January 14, 2025
Hancock, WI 54943

Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m.  Steve Meyer and Rina Rasmussen absent.

Approval of the agenda:  Stratton, Whalley

Approval of the minutes: Stratton, Whalley; Caucus minutes approval - next meeting

Financial Report and pay all bills: Whalley, Stratton

Hazard Mitigation Plan:  Motion to pass Resolution 1-25 Hazard Mitigation by Stratton, Whalley second

Hancock Fire Dept:  Audit in April

Hancock Community Center:  Audit in April

Waushara Historical Society:  $500 donation to Waushara Historical Society.  Runs totally on donations-no county funding.  Supervisor Stratton made a motion to donate $500 to the Waushara Historical Society. Chairman Whalley -second the motion to donate $500. Motion passed.

District Meetings:  taken up next month

Wake Ordinance:  Copy of Mt. Morris ordinance

Chairman Report:  Village business

Clerk Report: Upcoming February 18th election

Road Report:  Hwy. Dept. issues plowing & sanding

Zoning: Timber cutting in sections 10 & 22

Meeting adjourned at 6:19 p.m.

Cheryl Pionke, Clerk
Town of Deerfield


September 10, 2024
Hancock, WI 54943

Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m.

Approval of the agenda: Meyer, Stratton

Approval of the minutes of the August Regular Meeting: Stratton, Meyer

Approval of the Treasurer’s Financial Report and pay all bills: Meyer, Stratton

Board Business

Hancock Library – 3-year funding agreement.  Same as in the past 3 years (2% increase each year).  Motion made by Supervisor Stratton, Supervisor Meyer second.

Millpond Meeting:  Nothing new. 

Highway Dept. – George Nigh was present to report on Highway Department happenings since resignation of Bryan Friemark, Commissioner.  Ruth Zouski appointed interim commissioner.  Business as usual. Rough figure on spraying around $3000.00.  Please put brushing on agenda, board will determine where it’s needed.

Cemetery Fence:  Steve Brey willing to paint the Woodville Fence.  When Fish Lake is complete (leveled off) then get new double loop fence (54 feet).

Wisconsin Towns Convention:  Info.

Chairman’s Report: Thank you from Kevin Clark. 

Clerk’s Report:  Election, Ruffalo easement affidavit

Meeting adjourned: 6:39 p.m.
Cheryl Pionke, Clerk
Town of Deerfield

October 8, 2024
Hancock, WI 54943

Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m.

Approval of the agenda: Stratton, Meyer

Approval of the minutes from the September Regular Meeting: Meyer, Stratton

Approval of the Treasurer’s Financial Report and pay all bills: Stratton, Meyer

Wautoma School District:  HS & Parkside School Principals were present to talk about the referendum on the November 5th ballot.  Not to exceed $39.8 million.  Information hand-outs.  If the referendum would pass: Riverview would close and be removed completely leaving greenspace; district-wide building maintenance needs at all schools; create 2-point secure entry at all schools; addition to H.S.

Schedule Budget Meeting:  Tuesday, October 29. @6:00 p.m.

Landlocked Parcel Update:  Chairman Whalley and Supervisor Stratton spoke by phone with Attorney Nicholas Flanagan on Monday, October 7th.  Cheryl received an email later that day on the dos and don’ts for the hearing.

Stevens Point Annual Convention Report:  Chairman Whalley and Supervisor Stratton attended the 2% Fire Dues presentation.  Need an ordinance regarding fire inspections stating the we are OK with one fire inspection per year.

Chairman’s Report – sign Library contract and take to Hancock.  Culvert on 9th has a hole.

Clerk’s Report – busy preparing for November 5, 2024 election.

Zoning: 3 notices

Meeting adjourned at 6:54 p.m.

Cheryl Pionke, Clerk
Town of Deerfield

June 11, 2024
Hancock, WI 54943

Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m.

Approval of the agenda: Stratton, Meyer

Approval of the minutes of the May regular meeting: Meyer, Stratton

Approval of the Treasurer’s Financial Report and pay all bills: Meyer, Stratton

Board Business

Fire Departments – update: Chairman Whalley  attended the Amish supper/auction to benefit fire department.  Great turnout.

Lake District – report:  Fish Lake did a complete aquatic plant report.  New chairman ran meeting very well.  Marl Lake, not much to report.  Water is down, concerned about fish dying.  Park boundaries should be marked.

Camp Phillip – zoning problem:  Camp is having trouble with Zoning, building inspector.  No evidence of having a permit.

Revenue Sharing: Maintenance of Effort report must be in by July 1st or loss of revenue by 15%.

Chairman’s Report:  Grand opening of the Waushara County Government Center, June 25, 2024 4:30-8:00

Treasurer’s Report:  Village of Hancock has not paid their share of 2023 boat patrol yet.  We have not received an invoice for the Community Center either.

Road Report:  Chip sealing 4 roads.  Motion made by Supervisor Stratton to add Marl Lake Road to be chip sealed; seconded by Supervisor Meyer.  Mowing – Bryan with a batwing.  Spraying.  Cemeteries and Fish Lake Landing leave until fall.  Washout on 12th.

Zoning: 1 item. Application for variance.  Board does not have a problem with the construction of an addition.

Meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m.

Cheryl Pionke, Clerk
Town of Deerfield

February 13, 2024
Hancock, WI 54943

Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m.  Supervisor Meyer absent

Approval of the agenda: Whalley, Stratton

Approval of the minutes from the January Regular Meeting: Stratton, Whalley

Approval of the Treasurer’s Financial Report and pay all bills:  Stratton, Whalley

Cattle pass project:  Chairman Whalley would like a motion to go ahead and possibly have Delmore Consulting look at the 2 cattle passes if reimbursement is possible.  Supervisor Stratton - motion, Chairman Whalley - second motion.

Fire Dept. Report:  Chairman Whalley & Supervisor Stratton attended both Christmas parties. Coloma has 8 fire fighters in training.  Hancock is hosting training.  Those in training will go to Rapids only 3 times.  Also 2 firefighters in EMR training in Wautoma.

Boat Patrol Report:  Finished and sent in.  $9885 plus a little bit not reimbursable.  Will get approx. 75% back.  About 23 warnings, 9 citations.

Chairman Report:  Meet w/ George Nigh re: Lonny’s trees, cemetery

Treasurer’s Report:  Tax season went well. 

Zoning:  Printouts

Meeting adjourned at 6:24 p.m.

Cheryl Pionke, Clerk
Town of Deerfield

Township of Deerfield, WI

March 12, 2024
Hancock, WI 54943

Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m.

Approval of the agenda: Stratton, Meyer

Approval of the minutes for the February Regular Meeting: Meyer, Stratton

Approval of the Treasurer’s Financial Report and pay all bills: Stratton, Meyer

Fish Lake District Report:  Held meeting, excited to get signs in at the East Landing.  Will stay with same number of fish even though there is a price increase.

Alarm System Problem:  All board members were contacted.  Per Mar representative will be here Wednesday morning (3-13).  Disconnect the shed.  The shed is the usual problem with false alarms.

Bridge/Culvert project:  Several options – we can do it ourselves, the county can do it, or Delmar can do it for a fee.  Motion by Supervisor Meyer, second by Supervisor Stratton to have the county do the bridge/culvert inspections (only 2 in the township).

April Meeting on the 16th at 6:00 (annual meeting and regular meeting).

Board decision to change all meeting times to 6:00 p.m. until further notice.

Clerk report:  Lisa Eisch email – Michelle Bacon to stay on library board as township representative.  Upcoming training for election officials & safety training.

Treasurer’s remarks:  new land records software.  Rina will do some homework to further investigate.  $500 increase.

Road Report Notes:  Brushing costs not on current invoice.  Spray again this year – a good way to keep up with invasive species.

Fire Dept:  Wautoma-Tanker ordered.  Hancock – Thursday (3/14) last test day (training) Droan classes/testing coming up to get Hancock’s drone back up and running.

Meeting adjourned at 6:39 p.m.

Cheryl Pionke, Clerk
Town of Deerfield

July 9, 2024
Hancock, WI 54943

Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m.

Approval of the agenda: Meyer, Stratton

Approval of the minutes from the June Regular Meeting: Stratton, Meyer

Approval of the Treasurer’s Financial Report and pay all bills: addition of Union Telephone check #1595 $114.47. Meyer, Stratton

Cemetery Update: Marked one grave in Woodville. Mary Clark passed (August 17th is the funeral) the board will send a $200 donation to the Alzheimer’s Association in lieu of flowers.

Fire Department – Report: Nothing new in Wautoma.  Hancock/Coloma: Chicken chew went well. $ up from last year. Hancock- all is good; trucks all running great. New personnel and EMR people.

Hancock Library – Letter: Look over and talk about it at the August meeting (Monday, August 12th @ 6:00 p.m.)

Chairman’s Report:  Dehumidifier.  Sump pit was full – Kerschner’s fixed it and now we have a working sump pump.

Clerk’s Report:  August election

Treasurer’s Remarks:  No payment from the Village.

Road Report:  Fixed 12th but so much rain it needs to be touched up again. Scott Const. about a week behind due to rain – end of July early August before work is done.

Zoning:  Request from the Mill Pond passed.

Meeting adjourned at 6:23 p.m.


Cheryl Pionke, Clerk

Town of Deerfield